Insurance Claims

Oct 11, 2017 Willow Creek Wealth Management Posted in Articles, Featured

As the heartbreaking devastation in our North Bay Community continues to unfold, we wanted to take a moment to pass along some tips for those who have experienced losses in the past few days. Below are ten considerations from, a non-profit organization that assists in navigating insurance claims. Additional information is available on their website, here: As always, we are here to assist you as well--please do not hesitate to reach out to us. 1. Be pro-active in the claim process. 2. You’re not on a level playing field when you’re dealing with an insurance claim. 3. Think of your insurance claim as a business negotiation—you’re dealing with a for-profit company. 4. Give your insurance company a chance to do the right thing, but don’t mistake a friendly representative for a friend. 5. Document and support your claim with proof, details and estimates. 6. Present clear requests in writing that explain what you need, when you need it, and why you’re entitled to it. 7. Don’t pad or exaggerate your claim. 8. Don’t sign legal documents without consulting with a qualified attorney. 9. Try to resolve problems informally but complain in writing, go up the chain of command and/or use government agency help when necessary. 10. Get specialized professional help when you need it, start in the “Find Help” section of